Holland America Cruise Ships Alaska -- Glacier Bay

May 19, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Seems like a long time ago that my husband and I went on an Alaskan cruise.  Actually it was just last September, and it was late September.  We took a Norwegian Cruise to Alaska.  It was out of Seattle and went to Juneau, stopping along the way.  One of the places we went was to see the Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay.  Our ship went up the Tarr Inlet, were at the end was the glacier.  While we were traveling to the glacier, we had a Holland America cruise ship following us. However, they turned off and went up the John Hopkins Inlet to see the John Hopkins Glacier.  Our ship was supposed to go see it also, but we were running behind and I believe that only one ship can be in near the glacier at a time.

Holland America Cruise Ships Alaska

I took this photo from our balcony.  I was using my AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens.  The photo was shot with ISO 1000, 85 mm, f/13 at 1/640 sec.  This is right where the two boats went off into the different inlets.  The mountain behind it is awesome.  It had just snowed and the snow was on the upper parts of the mountain.  To me it looks like an advertising picture, or surreal.  But it is real!  I find it beautiful and somehow funny too (not sure why).

Margerie Glacier Pictures

I know I have posted some of the Margerie Glacier, but here are some more.  This one was when we were coming up to it at the end of the inlet.  It looks small in this photo, but we are still fairly far away.  It really is huge!  This photo was taken with the settings of: ISO 1000, 300 mm, f/16 and 1/400 sec.  It is a bit high ISO, and I worry about it being too grainy, but it came out just the same.

Coming up to the Glacier

In this photo you can see the perspective.  We are on our balcony and the part of the ship you see is where the Captain sits.  Our ship was very large.  The glacier, again, does not look so big.  But it is.  This photo was taken with the following settings: ISO 1000, 122 mm, f/16, 1/400 sec.

This final photo was when we were still a ways out from the Glacier.  I didn't measure the distance but I would say we were still at least 200 yards from it, if not more.  As we got closer you could see more of the beautiful blue in it.  This was taken at: ISO 1000, 300 mm, f/16, 1/500 sec.

For a really close up, check out my previous blog post with an even closer look at the glacier.

Thanks for checking out my website.  Leave a comment if you like my photos!

Enjoy! And if you are a photographer, keep on shooting!






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